6th Vukovar Film Festival has been opened last night!
23.08.2012. 18:03:426th Vukovar Film Festival was officially opened. At the opening ceremony festival Director Igor Rakonić, Vukovar Mayor Željko Sabo, Minister of war veterans Predrag Matić, Hrvatski Telekom reperesentative Dario Borovac, head of HAVC Hrvoje Hribar and Minister of culture Andrea Zlatar Violić adresed the audience.
The audience was greeted by the film crews of the titles King (director Dejan Aćimović and Darko Kralj in Ruzicka's House), Just the wind (Actresses Emese Vasvari and Katalin Toldi) and Brija (director Luka Rukavina), while the group Elemental played at beach bar Danube gardens till late night .
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