Educational program
Danubian screenwriting workshop
The purpose of the program is to achieve screenwriter's intensive work on the text in a relaxed creative atmosphere, if it is necessary with the support of the moderator, writer Irena Krčelić and colleagues present at the Vukovar Film Festival. It is open to all who developed the script for the feature film.People can apply to participate in the workshop threw an open contest. From the applications received dramaturg Irena Krcelic selects five participants of different sensibilities to achieve a productive group dynamics. In the program,for example, participated authors with their first versions of scenario for feature films such as Sandra Antolić with "She was wearing a red scarf " (production Svenk), Natko Jurdana with "A joke and horror" (production Brojka) and Zdenko Bašić with "Northwest wind" (production Antitalent ). The workshop is free. In addition, the Vukovar Film Festival covers accommodation and breakfast for all participants.
from 24th to 29th of August 2015.
Workshop "From idea to realization"
is intended for film enthusiasts with or no experience, for the young and those who feel young, for all those who want to make its movie. At their very first day participants will be in front of blank paper, looking for the right and feasible ideas, and on their last day in front of the projecting screen and the audience. They will master the film language, will write a script, (play in it - if it is a feature film), capture, direct and edit it.
Workshop leaders are students of the Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb; student of film and television direction Marko Dugonjic and editing student Karla Folnovic.
The will cooperate with the members of the Cinema Club Vukovar and with some old participants of the workshop. The ideal number of participants is 12.
All that with technical support of MMC SKIG's - Multimedia Centre Studio of Creative Ideas from Gunja.
from 24th to 29th of August 2015.
Animated Film Workshop STOP ANIMATION
for the youngest is being held for the second time at Vukovar film festival. It will be held by Croatian film director Zvonimir Rumboldt. The main objective of the workshop is to introduce children ( ages 7-12) with the basics of Filmmaking and the film elements in general, but also to gain practical knowledge needed to create animated films with the help of accessible resources, like digital camera and basic editing software on the PC. The workshop is lasting for 6 days in blocks of 4 hours. Maximum of workshop is 20 participants. The Workshop is free of charge.
from 24th to 29th of August 2015.
Sunday 23.08. 20.30, Terrace of Agency for Inland Waterways
Ovo malo kiše, Short film by Mrako Dugonjic
Bojnik, Documentry by Kristijan Milic
Kill the messenger, Feature by Micheal Cuesta
Sunday 23.08. 21.00, Castle Eltz park
Živela sam i ja tebe, short documentry by Aleksandar Cecavac
Čaruga- ogledalo vremena, Documentary
Walk among the tombstones, Feature by Scott Frank
Panel Disscussions
25.08. Copyright Protection at Internet
26.08. Film Industry in a Near Future
27.08. Property Rights over Films that are Financed by the State
Future of the Cinema Distribution along with the Online Distribution Growth
Exhibition Actresses by photographer Kate Barry is coming to Croatia and will be placed in the Croatian House of Vukovar on 25 August and will last for a period of 3 weeks. The exhibition, which is held as part of events 9th Vukovar Film Festival and Rendez-vous, a festival of France in Croatia includes 25 photographs, portraits of the actress mostly form French cinema, including most famous stars but also ones of the younger generation.
Kate Barry, daughter of actress and singer Jane Birkin and composer John Barry, who died prematurely in December 2013, knew perfectly how to capture what is most personal in each of the actress,to capture what is invisible in the photographs from the media, in order to achieve a subtle expression of deep intimacy, whether real or imaginary. The exhibition presents twenty-five portraits of great beauty, in elusive, quiet and melancholy atmosphere, in which the seriousness and precision are blending in composition and carefully direct body and decor.
Catherine Deneuve, Monica Bellucci, Laetitia Casta, Sofia Coppola, Sophie Marceau, Isabelle Adjani, Audrey Tautou, Vanessa Paradis and Béatrice Dalle are just some of the famous actresses that found their place in front of the camera of Kate Barry.
from 24th August to 15th of September 2015., CROATIAN HOME VUKOVAR
Photo project of photographers and documentarists Jana Cavojska and Vladimir Kampf about people and places on the Danube river.Thhey plan to photograph portraits of various people along the Danube river with small, portable photo studio which can stand in squares, streets, markets with vegetables, futbal playgrounds, cafés, parks, shops, discos and all the places people visit daily. Selected portraits will be publish in book and e-book.
WORKSHOP - World in your hands
Video workshop with Jana Cavojska and Vladimir Kampf
Camera, photocamera, tablet, smartphone? Doesn´t matter. It´s not important what do you keep in your hands to film a good piece. In our workshop, we will show you how to work with your equipment, how to work with light and composition, how to catch interesting moments in front of you and how to make your video really touching.We will show you in action, in the streets of Vukovar, how to compose short video with sense and sensitivity which can communicate with the audience and bring the short, complete story to life.
Wednesday, 26.8., 10.00-16.00, CROATIAN HOME VUKOVAR
Presentation of the manual ‘Acting in front of the camera’ by ZvonimirRumboldt, intended primarily for students of acting and directing, andall those who intend or are already engaged in feature film and televi-sion forms, whether amateur or professional will be held on Wednesday, 26th of August. starting at 17h at the City Library Vukovar.Note that this is the first and so far only published text of that kind in Croatian language.„In the manual Zvonimir Rumboldt includes all the elements needed to establish the parameters of film acting: preparation of an actor, cutout, frame, angle, the plan, the light in the film, sound recording, monitor-ing of the continuity, adjustment of an actor in front of the camera, repetition, observation perspective, and so on. But with all technical differences the author does not forget the essential differences be-tween actor’s expression in film and actor’s expression in the theater.“Vinko Brešan
As part of this year’s VFF’s, Bobby, in cooperation with renowned graffiti artist Croatian Slaven Kosanovic Lunar plans to create a “VFF’s Winner wall”.“VFF’s winner Wall“ will be annually supplemented with the current winner and we are planning longterm cooperation.It is planned to make a general graffiti –VFF’s mural , with adding of this year ‘s winner. Chosen location for this year will be supplemented each year with new graffiti. Graphite would be made by famous Croatian graffiti artist Slaven Kosa-novic Lunar, whose origins are in the old school of Croatian graffiti scene. He paints, exhibits and publishes works worldwide. He has worked and exhibited in a number of cities including Amsterdam, Athens, Auckland, Berlin, Hanoi, Havana, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, New York, Oslo, Paris, Saigon, Seoul, Sydney and Tokyo. In his work, irrespective of the technique, most commonly he uses motives of animals and elements of flora. Some works can be seen on his website: www.lunar75.com
Public Relations
Phone: +385 (0)99 311 0328 Phone: +385 (0)98 405 404 E-mail: press@vukovarfilmfestival.com E-mail: marketing@vukovarfilmfestival.com
Press center
Phone: +385 (0)32 443 012 Phone: +385 (0)32 443 037 Phone: +385 (0)32 835 932
Press Centre opening hours is 9 to 18 hours.