Serbian desire in Panama and costumed Nicole Kidman last night in Vukovar!
29.08.2015. 12:01:47
Last night in Vukovar Serbian film from last Berlinale, Panama and costume drama by Werner Herzog, Queen of the desert were screened.
Until late into the night vistors were entertained with the beats of the Mostar Sevdah Reunion at the terrace of Golubica mall.
Today at 11 am at the new location of the Museum of Vučedol culture we screen French film Revelation off the pyramids with a lecture by film historian Daniel Rafaelić on topic of egyptology.
On the program of documentary sections in Cinestar from 18.30h is croatian doku Lost button that illuminates the secrets about the mysterious death of drummer Ipe Ivandić from rock band Bijelo dugme.
The evening on the Terrace of Agency for waterways is reserved for the Pula laureate Ungiven by Branko Schmidt with Ivo Gregurević in the title role. Schmidt and Gregurević will greet viewers in Vukovar. The last movie oft he evening is the laureate of the Sundance film Slow west, a Western with Michael Fassbender in the lead role.
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