Original movie title:
FACES [:phases]
GERMANY, 2007., 14’
Holger Ernst
One World, Prague, 2008 - Czech Radio Award
San Roque 2008 - Grand Prix
Nagrada Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau 2008
International Festival du Film Ecologique Bourges, France 2007 – best film
Man, an "animal laborensis"?
Defining himself by shaping his environment and
Realizing himself in his products?
Human labor in the evolution of industry.
Work processes develop;
Human labor becomes replaceable.
Production relies increasingly on man not as laborer but as consumer.
Scenarios and dependencies within the context of economic realities in an
industrialized and globalized world.
Holger Ernst was born in Germany in 1972. He studied Visual Communications with the focus on Writing and Directing at the Department of Film at the Academy of Arts in Kassel, Germany. His long feature ‘The House is Burning’ from 2006 had its premiere at Cannes 2006.
11.07., FRIDAY, 17.00, RUŽIČKA'S HOUSE